Give The Benefits Of CBD To Your Little Fur Ball
Did you know that cannabidiol (CBD) can be specially modified to be safely used with your pets? CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in the regulation of several bodily functions. This system is something that we share with our canine-friends and so the effects of CBD on humans and pets are almost similar. CBD can have amazing pain-relieving properties which is particularly helpful for any older pets that may be facing muscular aches and pain, and inflammation with reference to arthritis.
Safe For Your Furry Friend
We believe that your little furball deserves the best care. Neomen CBD pet products have been specially made to be safe for your furry little children. Our tinctures and oral drops will provide them with all the goodness of CBD while ensuring that they’re completely safe and taken care of. These products do not contain more than 0.3% THC and therefore you do not have to worry about your dog suddenly being “high”!
Shop From The Widest Range Of CBD Pet Products
We provide you with some of the finest selection of CBD for pet products! These include tinctures, conditioning shampoo, oral drops, oral spray, and even chew treats! Some of the tinctures are also beef-flavored to further entice your furry pets!